The Characteristics

  • The application business logic consists of many modules.
    • Business logic to access database, notification, payment gateway, etc.
  • The application is packaged as single archive file.
    • Despite a modular, it’s packaged as single WAR file.

The Benefits of the Monolithic

  1. Simple to develop
    • Focus to develop with single application.
  2. Easy to make radical changes to the application
    • Easy to change the code, database schema, build, and deploy.
  3. Easy to test
  4. Easy to deploy
    • Copy the WAR file to server.
  5. Easy to scale

The Drawbacks

When the application outgrown in many cases it will more complex so that the development, testing, deployment, and scaling became much more difficult.

  1. Complexity
    • At times the application more complex, it’s too large for the developer to fully understand.
    • Fixing bugs and implementing new features have become difficult and time consuming (missed deadline).
  2. Development
    • Building large application takes a long times.
    • Day-to-day development tasks slow.
  3. Deployment
    • Deploying changes into production is a long and painful process (once a month, late on a Friday or Saturday night).
    • Complexity of code base impact to Continuous Integration (CI) server must run the entire test suite.
  4. Scaling
    • Complexity of code base make scaling the application is difficult. That’s because different application modules have conflicting resources requirement.
  5. Delivering
    • Due to the application more complex and large size, testing the application is difficult so that it’s one reason delivery unrealible cause lack of reability, lack of testability.
    • A bug in one module (e.g. a memory leak), crashes all instances of the application.
  6. Technology
    • The architecture make it difficult to adopt new frameworks and languages.
    • Quite often, they must maintain an application written using an obsolete technology.

Architecture approach Solutions

  1. Migrate to a new architecture : the Microservices architecture.
  2. Develop the business logic for a service.
  3. Refactor an existing monolithic application to services.