Spring Boot, and the Spring Framework that Spring Boot is based on, is a great framework for developing microservices in Java. Larsson, Magnus. Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud: Build resilient and scalable microservices using Spring Cloud, Istio, and Kubernetes, 2nd Edition (p. 67). Packt Publishing. Kindle Edition. In this article, we will not discuss Microservices (this post about Introduction Microservices) here, we just share knowledge about fundamental Spring Boot.

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After we talk about generating the Spring context using @Bean and Stereotype annotations in Part 1, now we talk about the third way which is used Programmatically. This programmatic approach offers flexibility to add the bean into the context, this way will be proper when you want to have a custom way of adding beans into the context, and the preceding ways of @Bean and Stereotype annotations are not sufficient for your case.

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In this tutorial, we will discuss the fundamental concept of Spring that we must know, which is Spring Context, it is the basic knowledge that we need to understand in the Spring ecosystem. Spilca Laurentui said in his book: Imagine the context as a place in the memory of your app in which we add all the object instances that we want the framework to manage. By default, Spring doesn’t know any of the objects you define in your application.

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The Characteristics The application business logic consists of many modules. Business logic to access database, notification, payment gateway, etc. The application is packaged as single archive file. Despite a modular, it’s packaged as single WAR file. The Benefits of the Monolithic Simple to develop Focus to develop with single application. Easy to make radical changes to the application Easy to change the code, database schema, build, and deploy.

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Definitions Small autonomous services that work together - Sam Newman - In short, the microservices architectural style is an approach to developing a single application as a suite of small services, each running in it’s own process and communicating with lightweight mechanisms, often an HTTP resource API. These services are built around business capabilities and independently deployable by fully automated deployment machinery. There is a bare minimum of centralized management of these services, which may be written in different programming languages and use different data storage technologies - James Lewis & Martin Fowler -

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This time we are going to talk about installation Red Hat Fuse in our local, before going to step inside, I will explain little bit about Red Hat Fuse. Refer to Red Hat Customer Portal website: Red Hat Fuse is a distributed, cloud-native integration solution that has the flexibility to service diverse users - including integration experts, application developers, and business users - each with their own choice of deployment, architecture, and tooling.

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Truth can only be found in one place: the code. - Robert C. Martin

Software Craftmanship
